UG Structure(文変換)の各レベル難易度

UG Structure(文変換)のレベルは、普遍文法理論の要素を基にしているほか、文法ターゲットの難易度の高さでレベルが設定されています。

  • それぞれの連続したレベルには、前回のレベルにも登場した文法や語彙の多くが含まれています。それに加えて、より高いレベルでは、新出の文法項目が追加されています。
  • “Use”という指示は、文中の別の単語を置き換えるという意味で、“Add”という指示はさらなる単語を追加することを意味します。
UG Structure(文変換)
レベル 概要説明
1    現在時制、現在進行形、現在完了形;
定冠詞と不定冠詞、三単現の -s
・ 簡単な3~5語のセンテンス
・ 簡単な形容詞、助動詞
He is a banker.
1. Use “they”: They are bankers.
2. Add “successful”: They are successful bankers.
3. Form a question: Are they successful bankers?
2    現在時制、現在進行形、現在完了形;
・ 簡単な3~6語のセンテンス
・ いくつかの形容詞、助動詞
・ いくつかの不規則動詞
Our hockey team has lost.
1. Use “won”: Our hockey team has won.
2. Change to negative: Our hockey team hasn’t won.
3. Add “in weeks”: Our hockey team hasn’t won in weeks.
3    過去時制、過去進行形;
・ 簡単な4~7語のセンテンス
・ 不規則動詞と用法
My stepsister was dropping out of school.
1. Use “quitting”: My stepsister was quitting school.
2. Add “to become an actor”: My stepsister was quitting school to become an actor.
3. Change to negative: My stepsister wasn’t quitting school to become an actor.
4    過去時制、過去進行形、過去完了形;
形容詞、助動詞、副詞句 (より複雑なもの)、前置詞句(より複雑なもの)
・ 4~7語のセンテンス
・ 不規則動詞と用法
・ 中級レベルの語彙
The leafy vegetables had wilted.
1. Use “greens”: The leafy greens had wilted.
2. Add “and become soft”: The leafy greens had wilted and become soft.
3. Form a question: Had the leafy greens wilted and become soft?
5    過去時制、過去進行形、過去完了形;
“used to”, “have to”, &apm; “able to”の過去の用法;能力や可能性を表す法助動詞 (can, could, might, may)
・ 5~8語のセンテンス
・ 不規則動詞と用法
・ 中級レベルの語彙
A. Netflix used to send DVDs in the mail.
1. Use “movie rentals”: Netflix used to send movie rentals in the mail.
2. Add “to their customers”: Netflix used to send movie rentals to their customers in the mail.
3. Form a question: Did Netflix used to send movie rentals to their customers in the mail?

B. The rain might have ruined our friend’s wedding.
1. Use “Erika’s”: The rain might have ruined Erika’s wedding.
2. Add “heavy” to describe “rain”: The heavy rain might have ruined Erika’s wedding.
3. Add “outdoor” to describe “wedding”: The heavy rain might have ruined Erika’s outdoor wedding.
6    未来時制、未来進行形;
“going to”, “want to” and “able to”の未来の用法;許可を表す法助動詞 (can, could, may)
・ 6~10語のセンテンス
・ 不規則動詞と用法
・ 中級レベルの語彙
A. The two best friends will be touring.
1. Use “three”: The three best friends will be touring.
2. Add “the wineries”: The three best friends will be touring the wineries.
3. Add “in California”: The three best friends will be touring the wineries in California.

B. The struggling travel agent is going to quit.
1. Use “resign”: The struggling travel agent is going to resign.
2. Add “from the company”: The struggling travel agent is going to resign from the company.
3. Change to negative: The struggling travel agent isn’t going to resign from the company.

C. His responsible ten-year-old brother may cook.
1. Use “seven-year-old”: His responsible seven-year-old brother may cook.
2. Add “under supervision”: His responsible seven-year-old brother may cook under supervision.
3. Form a question: May his responsible seven-year-old brother cook under supervision?
7    未来時制、未来進行形、未来完了形;
義務を表す法助動詞 (must, have to, need to)
・ 7~11語のセンテンス
・ 中上級レベルの語彙
A. America’s home sales will have been impacted.
1. Use “worldwide”: Worldwide home sales will have been impacted.
2. Add “negatively”: Worldwide home sales will have been negatively impacted.
3. Change to negative: Worldwide home sales won’t have been negatively impacted.

B. Equal human rights must be top priority.
1. Use “have to”: Equal human rights have to be top priority.
2. Add “the government’s”: Equal human rights have to be the government’s top priority.
3. Form a question: Do equal human rights have to be the government’s top priority?
8    未来時制、未来進行形、未来完了形、現在完了進行形;
“have to”の未来の用法;“should”の法助動詞 (提案、義務、確率、期待)
・ 8~12語のセンテンス
・ 中上級レベルの語彙
A. We have been trying to get a reservation.
1. Use “the family”: The family has been trying to get a reservation.
2. Form a question: Has the family been trying to get a reservation?
3. Add “at the new pizza place”: Has the family been trying to get a reservation at the new pizza place?

B. Unhealthy people should stay inside.
1. Use “home”: Unhealthy people should stay home.
2. Add “and avoid others”: Unhealthy people should stay home and avoid others.
3. Add “during the pandemic”: Unhealthy people should stay home and avoid others during the pandemic.
9    全ての動詞時制;
法助動詞 (全て);仮定法現在と仮定法過去;“going to”の過去の用法
・ より長くて複雑な文章
・ 疑問詞を伴う不規則疑問形 (why, when, where, how など)
・ 上級レベルの語彙
A. The new printer will help if it works properly.
1. Form a yes/no question: Will the new printer help if it works properly?
2. Use “plotter”: Will the new plotter help if it works properly?
3. Add “colour”: Will the new colour plotter help if it works properly?

B. He told the media that he was selling the company.
1. Use “buying”: He told the media that he was buying the company.
2. Add “tech”: He told the media that he was buying the tech company.
3. Form a question with “when”: When did he tell the media that he was buying the tech company?
10   全ての動詞時制;
・ 非常に長い文章
・ 上級レベルとTOEIC/TOEFL頻出語彙
A. She’d paid an arm and a leg for that meal.
1. Form a yes/no question: Had she paid an arm and a leg for that meal?
2. Add gourmet: Had she paid an arm and a leg for that gourmet meal?
3. Change to negative: Hadn’t she paid an arm and a leg for that gourmet meal?

B. Even though the arrivals terminal has been renovated, it is still congested.
1. Add “at Haneda”: Even though the arrivals terminal at Haneda has been renovated, it is still congested.
2. Use “departures”: Even though the departures terminal at Haneda has been renovated, it is still congested.
3. Form a yes/no question: Is the departures terminal at Haneda still congested, even though it’s been renovated?