Standard Course Overview & Lesson Plan

In this course, students will improve their English speaking and listening skills using two training methods during their trial period: Gabby Sprint Training and Phono-Focus pronunciation training.

Each week, they will meet with their personal Coach for one 25-minute live coaching session.
Students will also be assigned daily self-training, mini-tests on the Gabby platform and any additional homework via the Gabby messaging platform.

Students will use Gabby’s four training types in their self-training and live coaching sessions to develop the speed and automaticity of their speaking and listening skills in English:

  • UG Speed
  • UG Builders
  • UG Structure
  • UG Mastery
To Do Procedure Time
Get Ready ・ Be sure you have your student’s name.
・ Be sure your student has your Zoom ID.
Anytime before your first session
Log In ・ Log in to Zoom and turn your camera and audio on.
・ Log in to Gabby and select your student.
・ Review the student’s previous Live Training and Self-Training Session history and charts.
3 - 5 minutes before session start time

To Do Procedure Time
  • Brief conversational warm-up. Ask basic questions to get your student speaking English informally.

    *If you have Color Vowel© training, this could be a good opportunity to do a chart or other CV warm-up.

2 - 4 minutes
Prepare Your Student
  • “Review Gabby instructions with your student.Read the script on the Start page of your first Sprint. If your student is new, read the sample questions and check that the student understands these instructions.
  • Tell the student which level you are doing and what type of questions. Reiterate that in scoring, faster is better than perfect.
1 minutes
  • Begin the sprint. Read the questions and score the student’s answers for accuracy.
  • After each sprint, share your screen with the student and review all questions. Have the student answer the questions again now that they can read them on the screen. Provide feedback and encouragement.
  • If the student struggles with a question or phrase, provide the necessary corrections. For pronunciation interventions, select the concern that is most likely to impact the student’s intelligibility and lead to a communication breakdown. Use Color Vowel© strategies such as flooding, the Open Hand, or Color Vowel© yoga to help them improve their stressed vowel sounds and rhythm.
  • With the student’s input, add at least one question per sprint to the student’s Target List for further self-training review.
  • You should aim to complete 2-3 sprints during this time.
15+ minutes
Pronunciation Focus
  • Select a specific pronunciation challenge to focus on with your student. Select one statement or question that you covered in their sprints to practice this challenging sound or speech pattern with them.
    She drives to work every day. (Student has difficulty with the “sh” sound).
    1. Model the statement and ask them to repeat it x3.
    2. Involve them in a sample exchange using the statement in question; tell them that you will now ask them a question and you want them to answer using the original statement, with a focus on the “sh” sound (this is also an opportunity to work on sentence stress and rhythm).
    Coach: “How often does she drive to work?
    Student: “She drives to work every day.”
    Coach: “Does he drive to work every day?”
    Student: “No, she drives to work every day.”
    Coach: “Does she take the train to work every day?”
    Student: “No, she drives to work every day.”
    3. Aim to repeat the exchange at least 3 times.
      This is an entirely oral/aural exercise (no shared screen). Please select a statement or question that will be easy for your student to remember and interesting to work with.

      *If you have Color Vowel© training, please adapt this lesson portion to include CV-related practice.

2 - 3 minutes
Cool Down
  • Brief conversational cooldown. Ask your student how they feel about their performance today; offer general encouragement and specific guidelines for improvement as a review of your time together.
  • Assign the next appropriate level or stage for the student’s Self-Training to practice in their Daily Self-Training Menu.
  • Confirm the student’s understanding of their assigned homework, including the total number of weekly sprints and any other assignments. Remind them that students who practice with Self-Training always have higher scores than students who don’t.
1 - 3 minutes
  • End your Zoom and Gabby sessions

To Do Procedure Time
Send a brief follow-up message
  • Enter feedback or “notes to self” for your student in Gabby.
  • Send your student a message outlining their homework and problem areas to focus on in their self-training. Feel free to provide supplemental materials for them to work on during the week (videos, podcasts, worksheets, etc).
  • End the Gabby session.
2 - 3 minutes