Discussion Pro (LissN) Course Overview & Lesson Plan

In this course, students will improve their English speaking and listening skills using three different training methods: Gabby Sprint Training, LissN article discussions, and Phono-Focus pronunciation training.

Each week, they will meet with their personal Coach(es) for two 25-minute live coaching sessions.
If a student has selected two Coaches for their course, they will be added to a shared Slack channel. This channel can be used to decide who will be the “Sprint Coach” and who will be the “LissN Coach,” and to share feedback messages and communicate any other important information regarding the student’s progress.

Students will also be assigned daily self-training, mini-tests on the Gabby platform and additional homework/LissN article follow-up via the Gabby messaging platform.

LissN login and article access information:

URL: https://lissn.nikkei.com/apl/user/signin
Username: coachsupport@gabbyacademy.com
Password: Will be sent to you directly in a separate email

Course Overview
Gabby Sprint Training
Phono-Focus pronunciation training
Before Session 1 AI speaking test (new students only) Daily self-training with Gabby sprints + Daily mini-tests
(training materials assigned based on AI speaking test)
Student sends Coach their chosen article Daily pronunciation video lessons and practice + Daily mini-tests
(training materials assigned based on AI speaking test)
  • Session 1: Free response pre-assessment & sprints
  • Session 2: Sprint warm-up & Intro to LissN discussion
  • Coach(es) to set total # of weekly sprints in client nexus
  • Daily self-training with Gabby sprints + Daily mini-tests
    (training materials assigned based on AI speaking test)
  • Student sends Coach their chosen article
  • LissN Coach shares any additional homework materials via the Gabby messaging platform
  • Daily pronunciation video lessons and practice + Daily mini-tests
    (training materials assigned based on AI speaking test)
  • Coaches may share any additional Color Vowel-related pronunciation homework with students
Week 12 (& every 3 months) Session 24/Every 3 months/Final session: Free response post-assessment & sprints
Daily self-training with Gabby sprints + Daily mini-tests
(number of daily sprints assigned by AI speaking test and your Coach)
Ibid Daily pronunciation video lessons and practice + Daily mini-tests
(training materials assigned based on AI speaking test)
End of contract GABBY PLATFORM
  • Coach(es): Complete SAS and final Coach comment
  • Student: AI speaking test
(continued in next contract) (continued in next contract) (continued in next contract)

Lesson Plan
Sprint Coach LissN Coach
Before session
  • Review student’s self-training progress
  • Review co-teacher updates in Slack
  • Review student’s chosen LissN article
  • Review co-teacher updates in Slack
During session Follow standard Gabby lesson plan:
Guide Standard Gabby Course
  1. Ice breaker (1-3 minutes): Check-in & small talk
  2. Warm-up sprint (3-4 minutes)
  3. +LissN focus (7-9 minutes): Article summary + expansion (ask Ss to give an opinion, debate, or any other free speaking practice). Note pronunciation errors or vocabulary comprehension challenges.
  4. Targeted pronunciation and vocabulary practice (6-8 minutes): Select 1-2 pronunciation practice targets (vowel and consonant sounds, stress, intonation, etc); Address vocabulary comprehension challenges.
  5. Homework review: Review any additional homework materials for the week.
After session
  • If needed, edit student’s total # of weekly sprints
  • Send follow-up feedback message to student
  • Copy and post feedback message (& any other updates) in Slack
  • Send follow-up feedback message to student (include Google Classroom link, as needed)
  • Copy and post feedback message (& any other updates) in Slack